Finding my way back with paint therapy

Finding my way back

For the first time in over a year, I’m thrilled to be creating again.  I lost my passion for painting this past year between the divorce, my diagnosis of cancer, major surgery, long recovery and almost losing our mom to an unexpected heart block.  

 After spending months in physical therapy and basic survival mode, I’m finally climbing out of the haze.  The fog is clearing and I can see hope for a better tomorrow.  Painting furniture is therapeutic, having lost that lust was like losing part of my inner soul and I’m so thankful it’s starting to come back.


I tried the Frenchic for the first time when I returned to work after surgery.  Cathy had raved about it for months and it didn’t take long for me to understand why.  Frenchic is absolutely dreamy and just what I needed to spark my passion for painting again.  0111

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