Somewhere over the Rainbow Skies are Blue

For most of us, Easter Sunday represents a day of new beginnings, a fresh start, a clean slate.  This year strikes another cord for our family; it’s not only Biblical renewal, it’s a year of many firsts because, for us, last year was a year of many lasts. 

I can’t tell you how many times I did things with Cathy wondering “will this be the last?…”   I swear I grieved my sister’s death more in the eight months leading up to it, than I have any day since.  I’m not sure if I’m still numb or if I was truly grieving pre-death, but it sure felt like it.

There were so many horrific moments mixed in with the good, but I am thankful for each and every moment we were able to spend together that last year.  Here are some of the good ones.

The Last Dance

Steve giving her motorized cart out for a ride – of course he was able to pop a wheelie

I wasn’t supposed to be driving but… I was able to shift with my left hand.  If there’s a will, there’s a way

She found some cool wigs at Lack’s

This blanket was on her bed the morning she passed

With all four of us going through cancer, I closed our shop and moved that paint into Changing Thymes Wilson in Grandville.  I was able to show Cath that location one good day after treatment.  She was so excited to see it.

a fun play day at Brush and Timber with Karen & Karli

What else do you do when you have three hours to kill between scans?

Cath had lots of snuggle buddies

Cath’s last birthday

Sleeping Bear Dunes National Park – July 2017

First trip to Steve & Joyce’s property in Northern Michigan


Hunting for Petoskey Stones

Boondocks ~ Glen Arbor, Michigan

One last hurrah

La Seniorita, Traverse City, Michigan

more snuggle buddies

Ang & Ty’s wedding

Cherry Republic, Traverse City, Michigan

Easter 2017

One year ago today, it was our last Easter with Cath.  I don’t know what’ll be worse, last year as we anticipated it being her last, or this year when there will be an empty seat.  Either way, we’ll get through it moment by moment.

My prayers go out to any of you who are suffering a loss this Easter Sunday and I’d love any prayers you all may have for our family, especially for my mom and Cath’s kids.  I have a feeling, it’s going to be a tough one.

I’m looking forward to time with family and joy in our sadness as we remember the good times.  We know somewhere over the rainbow, she’s already discovered her pot of gold.

Now that I have you all feeling sad, I want to bring you back up with something more lighthearted.  With Bruddah Iz’s version of ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow” in my head and with a little April 1st silliness in the air, I’d love for you to see something we’ve been working on this week.  Hop on 0ver to our Shizzle LLC Facebook Page for something funny, then… if we’ve inspired you in any way over the years, please comment and share it on April 1st.

Hoping you all a safe, joyful and blessed Easter Sunday

a hui hou kau hou ~ Shelly

8 Replies to “Somewhere over the Rainbow Skies are Blue”

  1. Your sister Cathy was indeed a true trailblazer and these photographs are proof that she was soooo loved and honored!It is because of YOU AND CATHY whenever I felt down or depressed I just took got my paint brush and just started painting!OMG!It looks like I have brand new furniture!

  2. Love and prayers from DC. I will think of her and you as I sit in mass this morning and I will be sure to be grateful when sitting with my family around the dinner table.

  3. Shelley I appreciate you sharing so much of your family with us. I’m in tears and will be sending prays for all of your family but especially Mom and Cathy’s kids this Easter morning.

  4. Dearest Shelley, Thank you for your tender heart and openness of your private life with your sister and other family members. I pray you and your family will sense God’s peace in the midst of all that you hold dear. Thank you for your uplifting words, even during your loss. Prayers for you, dear one from deep in the heart of Texas ❤️

  5. The post is sad, indeed. But it is one of the most beautiful ones I’ve ever read. It gives me such hope for this world when I’m allowed to witness within one family such love, tenderness and grace because I know that it is happening in so many families everywhere. Thank you so much for that.

  6. May God carry you and the family at this time. May He be your strength and courage as you face each day. May fond memories ease your grief. May you start to live life again on this side of the rainbow.

  7. Shelley, This was so beautifully written and I love all of the pictures of your sweet sister!! I am so sorry for your loss and all that you’ve gone through with cancer in your family. I can’t even begin to imagine how hard it has been. God has given you such strength to carry on and I pray that your Mom and Cathy’s kids are able to get through what has to be incredibly difficult after losing a daughter and mother and for you having lost a sister. May you find some comfort from this scripture in Isaiah, “The righteous perish, and no one takes it to heart; the devout are taken away, and no one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil. Those who walk uprightly enter into peace; they find rest as they lie in death.” Isaiah 57:1-2 God bless you and your family.

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